NEW ALBUM: Kli-Max The Highest Point – “Phases”

American rapper Kli-Max The Highest Point drops a new album. You need to hear it.

By Michael Hartmann. September 11, 2020.

Check out the new album from rapper Kli-Max The Highest Point. It’s 15 tracks long and includes a song you don’t want to miss: Since You Been Gone (Rip Nipsey Hussle). The message is beautiful and important. It’s delivered by a true artist.

The name Kli-Max originated for a specific reason and more than just face value, its the definition of always reaching for The Highest Point in life and never settling for less no matter your situation.

2 months ago, Kli-Max dropped a beautiful video called Stepdad. (Check out the link below). I asked him about the video:

Michael: – What do you hope people will learn from watching your video and listen to your song?
Kli-Max: -I hope people learn to embrace the reality that blended families occur so often in this world we live in, and the love in these families is no less than biological families. Steps Parents and Biological ones should always work together for the well being of the child no matter what while removing all personal pride and ego. The children must receive what they
deserve without ever feeling they have to choose a side because they have both always.
Photo via Facebook.

More about Kli-Max. This is taken from his Facebook page:

From the small town of Windsor NC with 3 brothers and 1 sister, Kli-Max is the youngest who moved to a larger city Greensboro, to attend NC A&T State University in 2004. This was an immediate change that brought on many negative and positive experiences in his life and soon found music to be the perfect outlet for a therapeutic way of dealing with all the things boggled up inside.


Press play. This is Phases.


What can I say? You need to listen to this. (Rip Nipsey Hussle).


One of my favorite tracks so far. Dopeness.

Read more: This American rapper knows the importance of self-determination.

Check out his latest video:

Read the full story: NEW MUSIC VIDEO: Kli-Max The Highest Point – “Stepdad”.

Listen to his new album here:

Follow Kli-Max The Highest Point:


