A personal and romantic video: Jake Aldridge – King of the World.

Jake Aldridge has a way with words – and with love. His new video will warm your heart. 

By Michael Hartmann. November 20, 2020.

[dropcap]M[/dropcap]eet an award-winning rapper who left rap music behind to pursue his newfound love of Country-Pop music. In January 2018, Jake Aldridge began exchanging messages with former Slimming World consultant, Lisa Hartgrove, via the online dating app, Tinder.

He proposed to his now-fiancée, two years after meeting her. They share the same birthday, and now, they share a music video as well.

Have you ever wondered how it may be to follow along as a couple goes on a date? This is your chance. Enjoy – and stay romantic!



Another Romantic video: Teasley: Lost Without You.

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